기사 메일전송
Business cooperation agreement to support reemployment of highly skilled professional manp

The FKI and the nation's top 30 groups, including Samsung, Hyundai-Kia, SK, LG, Lotte and POSCO, signed a business cooperation pact at Lotte Hotel in Seoul on June 30 to help highly skilled professional manpower, who retired from top 30 groups or large companies, get a job at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Delivering an opening address at the event, FKI Chairman Chang Soo Huh said, "The baby boom generation is the hero of the Korean economy after the 1980s who tided over the foreign exchange crisis and the financial crisis and revived the economy. Now, such highly skilled professional manpower should use their accumulated experiences and professional knowledge for strengthening of competitiveness of SMEs."

Under the conclusion of the pact, the FKI will receive information about highly skilled professional manpower who worked for over 10 years at 1,071 affiliates of 27 groups and help them get a job at SMEs recommended by Kbiz.

By doing so, SMEs are expected to secure excellent talents armed with skilled knowledge and global ability and enhance their competitiveness in quality and technology.

The FKI will introduce highly skilled professional manpower to SMEs free of charge. This project is also likely to contribute to creating new jobs for baby boomers (born in 1955-1963) and keeping healthy national finance.

The FKI is expected to collect information about some 10,000 retired persons every year.

Related to this, the FKI launched the four-member task force comprising experts of the head hunting business.

Along with this, the FKI will search for promising SMEs that hope for employing highly skilled professional manpower who retired from large companies under the close cooperation with Kbiz. Through this project, the FKI plans to increase the number of the highly skilled professional manpower employed at SMEs from 300 in 2011 to 600 in 2012, and further to 1,000 in 2013.

About 80 guests, including FKI Chairman Chang Soo Huh, FKI Vice Chairman Byung Chul Jung, Kbiz Vice Chairman Yong Shik Choi, and Hanjin Heavy Industries CEO Hwa Young Song attended the event.


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